TalenQuest - WebQuest

Sign Language

WebQuest Sign Language voor Havo5, Vwo5 en Vwo6 of derde graad van het Technisch Secundair Onderwijs. Over gebarentaal, de geschiedenis, de verschillende soorten, de betekenis en methodes om te vertalen.

Ik hou van je

Afbeelding van Darelle via Pixabay

TalenQuest - WebQuest about


Is this your first WebQuest or TAlenQuest? Then read the instructions below.

  1. You start with the introduction.

  2. You proceed to the task..

  3. Then view process..

  4. You can learn more through information resources.

  5. In evaluation you can see what your work must meet.

  6. In conclusion back you can read what you have learned.

  7. Finally, here is some useful information for your teacher.

Have you lost your way? Just click back on home page, you will automatically end up here!

Good luck